About Us

Our aim was to create a boat company with real high quality fleet and services which is hard to find in the constantly changing boat rental market of Lake Balaton.
Therefore the three main pillars of our activity (sailboats, boat programmes and apartment rentals at Lake Balaton) are all based on convenience, water safety. If you are looking for quality fleet and services on lake Balaton, we are your best choice as a partner.

The team of hajosprogramok.hu is constantly inspired by the sincere joy and sense of freedom of guests. You can also experience this during a successful boat rental, cruise of other boat programmes. We gain our strength from their positive feedbacks, and are constantly trying to develop our services. This way we achieve even higher quality standards from time to time.

We are convinced that a holiday can only be relaxing if everything goes perfectly well and according to the plans. Our experiences gained during the many years spent in the Balaton summer, together with our experienced skippers guarantee our guests an unforgettable holiday with us.

Please watch our introduction video!

If you would like to feel this magnificent experience, rent a sailboat from us on the Lake Balaton now.


Dr. Giber Valéria - Hajós programok

Dr. Giber Valéria Olga
Fleet manager

Pápai Laura - Hajós programok

Pápai Laura